PM Narendra Modi Visits L&T’s Riyadh Metro Project site

Riyadh Metro



Mr. Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, visited L&T’s Riyadh Metro Project site on April 02, 2016, as part of his first visit to Saudi Arabia and interacted with L&T’s project personnel including blue-collared workmen.

2b“India’s workforce will soon meet the world’s need for manpower and through their efforts across the globe they are enhancing India’s prestige and value in the eyes of the world,” he added, praising the efforts of Indians working in various parts of the world.

The Prime Minister was welcomed by our Group Executive Chairman, Mr. A.M. Naik, and Mr. S.N. Subrahmanyan, Deputy Managing Director and President.

The Riyadh Metro has already achieved over 15 million safe man hours without any time lost due to injuries. The PM, in his address, pointed out that such a remarkable achievement was possible not only because of superior technology or better management but due to the diligence and discipline of the workforce.

After his address, the Prime Minister spent a few minutes interacting with the workforce and even shared snacks with them.

“This is a truly remarkable day for the Riyadh Metro Project and we are grateful to the Prime Minister for having spared the time and given due recognition and importance to this huge and iconic project, definitely one of the biggest that we are involved in,” said Mr. Naik. “We fully appreciate how crucial this project is to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and, more particularly, to the city of Riyadh and we are fully committed to completing and delivering our part of this prestigious project as per the stipulated deadlines maintaining the highest standards of safety and quality,” he stated. More info