The Public Transport Visitors Center in Riyadh

Book your ticket now for free and go to the future


The Public Transport Visitors Center in Riyadh is a new destination for families and individuals to learn about the latest developments in the public transportation project in a climate that is not without entertainment and fun

The Riyadh Public Transit Visitor Centre has been created to educate, inform and entertain the citizens of Riyadh about the huge public transport development project underway in the city.

The centre will seek to explain why our capital needs an integrated network of buses and metro, give an insight into the huge undertaking and challenges that the construction presents, and showcase how the final system will operate and give people a flavour of what to expect when the network commences operation.

Booking Terms and Conditions:

  •  You may book up to 2 weeks in advance. You’re welcome to come to the visitor centre again but you must have a 2 week gap between the bookings.
  •  The maximum party size for an online booking is 8 people.
  •  You must bring either a printed ticket or one saved on your mobile phone.