Riyadh metro: No pain, no gain

Riyadh metro



In Riyadh today, we are going through intolerable traffic congestion with many closures and detours. They all are adding pressure to our daily life. These problems are due to the ongoing work on the Riyadh Metro Project.

2a1However, what is important is that we have reached the point of coexisting easily with this status quo. When the project was launched first, many said that we would not be able to adapt to the situation, but they were wrong. In fact, this temporary adaptation is an indication that the policy of preparing the society was a very successful one.

Today, everyone has either to manage his time in a proper way, or leave the city to live somewhere else.

We are now on the threshold of the third year of the metro journey. Work is carried out with different paces in accordance with construction challenges on the ground.

Human nature varies from one person to another in conforming to emerging situations or revolting against them. The question now is: Should we take it for granted that this adaptation will continue forever? More info